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Dwyer Middle School

Igniting Young Minds to Reach for a Bright Future


STEP 1: Review the slideshow below to learn about the electives potentially offered

STEP 2:  Complete the ELECTIVES FORM  (link is also on the left) to submit your elective choice.

  • If you make more than one entry on the form, the most recent entry will be used.
  • Detailed instructions are on the form
  • If you are picking a class that has an application to it, the applications are on the last slide.  Click on the blue link.  You will still need to make that class one of your choices.
  • If you are picking a class that you must audition for, please still pick the class in order of your priority as well as auditioning.  You will need to contact the teacher (the last slide) to send your video audition.

Please submit ALL electives requests by Friday, May 24, 2024, for current students. Incoming students, please complete this by June 7, 2024.

Dwyer Electives Slideshow

Electives Form