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Dwyer Middle School

Igniting Young Minds to Reach for a Bright Future

Be Respectful

Harassment Prevention

It is the policy of this school that all students be treated with respect and feel comfortable attending school. The harassment of others based on sexual, religious, racial, or other themes will not be tolerated and will result in a referral to an administrator. Consequences for harassment or bullying of any type may include suspension as well as the involvement of law enforcement. You are responsible for treating others with respect. Verbal or physical bullying, calling others names that put them down, using words that make another person feel extremely insulted, touching others in an unacceptable manner, and making comments of sexual nature are considered harassment. If at any time you feel uncomfortable in dealing with other students or adults, it is your responsibility to report the occurrence to a teacher or administrator who will help you deal with the situation.

Please note: Any type of clothing, backpack or binder that disrupts the learning environment, contains obscene statements or drawings, objectionable language, advertises or advocates alcohol, smoking, drugs, gangs, profanity, weapons, violence, degrades cultures, genders, races, religions, or ethnic values, may not be carried at any time.

General Conduct Code

  • Respect people and property
  • Walk at all times while on campus
  • Keep the campus clean and healthy by not littering or spitting
  • Keep noise to a minimum
  • A pass is required to be outside of class during class time
  • Horseplay such as pushing, shoving and throwing items is dangerous and is not permitted
  • Absolutely NO tackle games or “play fighting”
  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
  • Responsible behavior is expected in the classroom, cafeteria, amphitheater, and outside area 

Important Notice Of Harrassment Policy Expansion:

Dwyer Middle School is dedicated to preventing certain behavioral modes that interfere with the learning process or degrade/deface this

historic school/buildings. IF ANY PERSON(S) VIOLATES THESE POLICIES (and there is substantial evidence or repeated offences) THE MOST SEVERE CONSEQUENCE WILL BE GIVEN (up to EXPULSION):

  • BULLYING:  This behavior includes singling out a student or group of students with the intention of mistreatment, hounding, discriminating, or physical altercation.  A BULLY MAY NOT DEFINE WHAT IS THREATENING TO ANOTHER PERSON.  IF ANY PERSON “FEELS” THREATENED (and there is substantial evidence or repeated offences) THE MOST SEVERE CONSEQUENCE WILL BE GIVEN.
  • “CYBER”-BULLYING:  Utilizing the Internet, public chat rooms, Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok, text messaging, prank phone calls etc. with the intention to single out a student or group of students for mistreatment, threats, slander, etc. is FORBIDDEN.  A CYBER-BULLY MAY NOT DEFINE WHAT IS THREATENING TO ANOTHER PERSON.  IF ANY PERSON “FEELS” THREATENED (and there is substantial evidence or repeated offences) THE MOST SEVERE CONSEQUENCE WILL BE GIVEN.
  • VIDEO TAPING OR PHOTOGRAPY:  Use of electronic equipment to video tape in the classroom, on the campus or in any building or field is strictly FORBIDDEN.  NO ONE may video tape/record anything without consents from the person being taped/recorded. IF ANY PERSON VIOLATES THIS POLICY (and there is substantial evidence or repeated offences) THE MOST SEVERE CONSEQUENCE WILL BE GIVEN and law enforcement may be involved.
  • THEFT:  Intentionally taking property that does not belong to you which may include items of monetary or non-monetary value is FORBIDDEN.  IF ANY PERSON VIOLATES THIS POLICY (and there is substantial evidence or repeated offences) THE MOST SEVERE CONSEQUENCE WILL BE GIVEN and law enforcement may be involved.
  • REFUSAL TO WORK IN CLASSROOM:  This behavior is unproductive and distracting in the classroom.  It may include “staring into space”, lack of focus, defiance to authority, purposeful ignoring, irritating behavior, interrupting, interference, physical altercations, gum chewing, creating purposeful disorder, intentional insubordination to authority, yelling, talking back, profane language, rebellious language or actions.  IF ANY PERSON VIOLATES THIS POLICY (and there is substantial evidence or repeated offences) THE MOST SEVERE CONSEQUENCE WILL BE GIVEN.
  • RUDE, VULGAR, PROFANE LANGUAGE:  This is language that others may find impolite, offensive, discourteous, crude, improper, tasteless, indecent, dishonorable, etc.  IF ANY PERSON VIOLATES THIS POLICY (and there is substantial evidence or repeated offences and the discipline plan in place has not improved the behavior) THE MOST SEVERE CONSEQUENCE WILL BE GIVEN.
  • GUM CHEWING:  The Dwyer Campus has an historic tradition of respect and honor.  The “no gum chewing” policy MUST NOT BE VIOLATED.  Middle School Students have NOT demonstrated the ability to properly dispose of gum and our campus has suffered the results of this type of carelessness.  IF ANY PERSON VIOLATES THIS POLICY (and there is substantial evidence or repeated offences and the discipline plan in place has not improved the behavior) THE MOST SEVERE CONSEQUENCE WILL BE GIVEN.
  • STUDENT DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION: This type of behavior occurs between students and is determined to be overly friendly and not businesslike and has proven to lead to increased issues on campus.   IF ANY PERSON(S) VIOLATE THIS POLICY (and there is substantial evidence or repeated offences and the discipline plan in place has not improved the behavior), THE MOST SEVERE CONSEQUENCE WILL BE GIVEN.