Academic Honesty Code
Dwyer Middle School requires all students to demonstrate honesty and to abide by ethical standards in preparing and presenting materials, as well as in testing situations. Violation of the Dwyer Middle School Academic Honesty Code will be subject to the individual teacher’s management plan and administrative decisions. Consequences can range from but are not limited to receiving a failing grade to dismissal from after school sports, extra curricular activities or to suspension from school.
Cheating and resulting consequences includes but is not necessarily limited to:
Cell Phone Policy
Students must turn off electronic signaling devices at the start of the school day and keep them powered down and out of sight until the end of the school day. If the devices are not shut off and a disruption occurs (and there is substantial evidence or repeated offences and the discipline plan in place has not improved the behavior) the cell phone will be confiscated and the student will be subject to Dwyer Middle School Discipline Procedures.If an electronic signaling device is determined by a licensed physician or surgeon to be essential for a student’s health and the use of that device is limited to health-related purposes, then the student will be permitted to carry it on him/her and use it whenever necessary. Student must have a written note from physician and must be carry an “Exemption Pass” issued in the front office by the Principal only for special use.
Electronic Music Devices Policy
Use of electronic music devices is strictly prohibited at Dwyer Middle School. Students must turn off electronic music devices at the start of the school day and keep them powered down and out of sight until the end of the school day. If the devices are not shut off and a disruption occurs, students will be subject to Dwyer Middle School Discipline Procedures.
School Sponsored Programs
In order to participate in any school-sponsored events, including, but not limited to, performing arts productions, a student must meet the following criteria: no U marks in citizenship for the preceding grading quarter, a GPA of at least 2.0 and with satisfactory attendance. Students must attend a minimum of 3 periods in order to participate in any school sponsored events.
Care Of Textbooks Policy
Textbooks should be covered at all times. The books are loaned to the student for the year, and it is the student’s responsibility to maintain the books in an appropriate manner. If textbooks are lost or damaged, the student is required to pay for the loss or damage. This includes writing/graffiti on inside or outside of book.
Sales On Campus
Students are not allowed to buy or sell items to peers while on campus or traveling to and from school. School-recognized sales may be made.
Counseling Services
Parents may call the office to request a conference concerning such things as the student’s schedule, general school adjustment, personal or social matters, educational information, etc. The school counselor, the school psychologist or the administration will provide this service once notified for assistance.
Student Assistance
Sometime students may feel they need advice or help in dealing with a difficult situation. If a significant adult is not available, the following numbers may offer help and information: